Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The DR that was there was very nice! He stated that the pedi in Wildomar was looking at the WRONG blood sugar levels, 47 is fine for a newborn, but NOT an adult (farking idiot!) She was low (45 is low) but it wasn't the emergency that they made of it and stuck her for an hour!

The DR said that they will do another 2 x-rays to check her lungs, run a catheter to check for a UTI and then have a specialist come in and set her up on a monitor to check her stomach acid levels.

She was put on monitors for heart rate, breathing, and O2 stats (those things beeped all night!) She was given a one-on one nurse that sat in her room with us. They gave me a bed (WAY nicer than the one at the FCC) and let me stay. Brad could come and go whenever he wanted, but couldn't stay there.

I sat down and started pumping to give her something to eat and build her immune system. The nurse Carmen, started the catheter, and suggested that we leave the room. We did, I needed to take a walk and not hear her cry. I think Carmen did a great job because I never heard her down the hall and when we came back she was OK.

They continued the IV fluids and we waited for the guy with the monitors to come the next day (the 11th... happy birthday to me, my newborn daughter is in the hospital with wires EVERYWHERE!)

We didn't see much of the pediatricians when we were there... mostly the nurses, and I couldn't have cared! They were so NICE (and after the stupid pedi in Wildomar, and then we found out that another pedi in the FCC MIS-READ her chart and ordered the formula, then couldn't even TELL US them self! They had a nurse do it! She didn't need it! You only need to supplement when the baby looses 10 % or MORE of their body weight, and she had lost only 9%)... I think I should sue... too many mistakes.

The guy came and put a tube down her nose and into her stomach, to measure her reflux and he said that she would look like the Unabommer... she actually looked more like a suicide bomber if you ask me (how un-PC is that?!?)

Thy put her on a 24 hour study, so he would be back that day. We had a computer thing to enter when we fed and held her. We couldn't really hold her much after that one was put on. If it fell off, we would have to start ALL OVER again! So for 24 hours + she was alone in a crib. We touched her and talked to her, but I couldn't hold her! (I have a NEW AND HUGE respect for NICU moms!)

There was this funny nurse that came in to "check out my baby" when she came on shift. She says that she has to "approve" the babies! LOL! She approved! Turns out that she would be taking over for another nurse that went home, her name was Myloc. She was GREAT!

Here she is singing "I'm a little teapot" to Kennedy.... so cute... espically with her Asian-American accent! : )

Everyone there was so helpful and supportive and LOVED Kennedy.

More to come later...

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