Sunday, July 19, 2009


Getting into the FCC was a nightmare, then I got there and we were sharing a room, fine, whatever, that sucks.

I finally got to hold her 3 HOURS LATER! UGH!!

Then family arrived and I was trying to sleep... but my roommates had their 15 kids and 25 friends visiting and they were so FRECKING LOUD! UGH! That first day was a wreck! We had NO ROOM because the room was set up for them and we had a TON of stuff.

The nurse said that Angelina ands Christina could only stay a few minutes, but those brats stayed all day and kept me up. Not to mention my room was at the end of the hallway and my bed was the one right in front of the door, so EVERYONE who came into that room, for me or her, looked at me and everyone leaving the curtain open meant that everyone in the hallway was looking at me too! UGH!.

TO keep the curtain closed, meant that I couldn't see the TV! And the bathroom was over on THEIR side of the room and we felt weird going over there because they didn't have their curtain closed and we felt intrusive.

They finally left that afternoon and after they cleaned the room, we kinda took over. That was much nicer!

I had a pediatrician come in and ask me (accusingly) "why is she so small?!" and I said "Why don't YOU tell ME?!?"

I had a hard time getting any rest in the FCC, because I had an IV that would occasionally beep, a catheter that I was worried about getting too full and compression cuffs on my legs, in addition to the incision.

They had me up and walking about 14 hours after surgery ans that was a feat! OMG! Just getting out of bed and walking down the hall was a JOB! Of course the cath had to come out, that was nice, but that meant that I had to get up to go now... bummer. LOL!!

The nurses were very nice, they took good care of us! The problem was that they came in that room like ALL THE TIME!! Never got sleep!! Vitals, blah, blah!.... The first night someone came in at 3:30 am to take my blood! SERIOUSLY?!?!? That night was tough with BFing, we asked them for some formula and instead they helped me latch her and gave her a pacifier because she just kept sucking!! We got some sleep after that. The hospital bed was the OLDEST thing that I have ever seen! OMG! There was no pictures left, rubbed off and it squeaked and had a waterproof feeling mattress that wasn't comfy. The only thing I liked about it was it's adjustaility.

The next day they had me take another walk, and I almost passed out/fainted. It was too much, too soon. Smelling salts... work well! LOL!!

That day we called all the friends to tell them that the baby was here! (7/9/09) So we had a few more visitors that day.

Friday morning at 5am, the brought me another roommate... fun. I told Brad to ask the nurse where we could get the hell out of there, we could rest at home! Later they said that all patients say that as soon as they get a roommate... well... get some damn private rooms. Everyone and their mother kept telling me that "they had a private room there, or that sucks" ... yeah... it did!

(7/9/09?)They were working on getting us discharged that day. We were seen by an OB and a Pedi each day, everything looked good. Then a nurse told us "the Pedi say that you are supposed to supplement her with formula 3 time a day. I asked for a LC and an SNS.

The LC came in and was very judgemental and attacking. Why isn't she skin to skin?!?! wake up, c'mon daddy this is a team effort, she isn't doing it now!

I couldn't take it and started to cry. Brad told her to calm the hell down and she helped us supplement her with formula. That;s when she projectile vomited it up... made me cry.

Another LC came in Martha who made us feel better about BFing her, and she supplemented with another formula (soy) and she threw up again. Worried me again.

We left the hospital around 2 after walking to NST to show Rosie, my nurse the baby, she wasn't there, bummer.

We got in the car and on our way home, Brad was sooo nervous about driving with the baby! LOL!

Got home, Mom came over with some preemie clothes, because NBs were WAY too big for her.

I got settled a little and started to BF her and she threw up, aspirated, went stiff, and blue/purple.

OMG! Scared me to death, she wasn't breathing, we rushed her to the DR down the street.

Jumping on the roller coaster there...

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