Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nothing much here...

I'm now sick.. after Brad and Kennedy had it.. : (

I start work(student teaching) on Monday... ehh... nervous and kinda excited, not to leave Kennedy... but to get back into everything.

I'm hoping that I sound and feel better by Monday... so I don't scare my kids.

Kennedy had tired all sorts of fruits and veggies and loves them all (applesauce was a toughie, but she likes it now).

I have her going to bed 9:30-10pm now (after one night of fighting and three days of small naps) and that's nice on the front end... with me being sick... the back end sucks! UGH! Poor girl!!! She usually wakes me up, and being sick I need to shower before taking care of her (so I feel good enough to survive) and she gets sooo sad when I'm not there : (

Her daddy does a great job of keeping her occupied for 10 minutes... we shall see how well they work together next week! LOL!!

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