Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Glad that's over.... whew!

The weekend that is! LOL!!

Mom came over Friday and we worked around the house, because Saturday we invited the neighbors over (about 50) for a pool party, the only ones who came were the neighbors directly across/next to us, not a real shocker.

Then on Sunday we went wine tasting, YUM! It was all adults (even though we didn't always act like it LOL!) and noooooo kids : ) (Grandma came over and watched Kennedy, they had fun!)

Afterwards we went in the pool, prob the last time for the summer. We couldn't have asked for better weather for a day in the pool, then wine tasting, then the pool again.

Monday (Brad took off) and the weather was all changed, but it was a great Fall day.

Kennedy would have to disagree... she got her first round of shots : (

We only gave her two, and I am glad that I stuck to that decision. She slept ALL DAY... she wasn't having anything other than feeding, cuddles, and sleep. I can't imagine giving her MORE than that....

She has to go back in 2 weeks, and then the next week have an "upper GI" done where they look at her reflux... they know she has it... why do it??... I donno....

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