Thursday, December 31, 2009


Kennedy has her first COLD! Poor baby!!! Someone over Christmas gave it to her!!! (WHO WAS IT?!?!?!?)

I am mad because I knew that people can be contagious before showing symptoms, and I felt guilty asking family to wash their hands and keep her away from their face.... now I feel like an ASS for not doing it. Hearing her cough breaks my heart (the sneezing is too cute to mind).

We will have to spend some time in the shower and help her get all that yucky stuff out.

On a more positive note, she has *just* started sitting up unassisted. She can actually stay that way for a while, and she will lean all the way forward for a toy, and then pick herself back up!

We have had a lot of firsts recently!

(And a note on the solids... I quit giving her the rice cereal after she didn't poop for 4 days... I tried everything!(water, juice, thermometer, suppository) Nothing worked. For some reason my "mommy instincts" say that I don't want to give it to her anymore, so I'm not.

We will be starting on the purees this week instead (Prunes too!)

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