We did WAY too much!
Saturday Brad and I went swimming and then to Costco, Albertsons, and Staters! WHEW~! (Gotta get them sales! LOL!)
Juan and Angel cam over that night and we just visited.
Sunday Dad, Josie, the girls, Albert and Teresa and Dan came over, in the pool we went! We BBQed ribs (YUM!) Guests left around 11pm and we went to bed.
Monday mom came over and we BBQed steaks (another YUM!).
All the cooking, cleaning, washing, bleh.... took it out of us.
Kennedy didn't appreciate it much either... she was sleeping from 1-2am till 8:30 and that became 7:30 on Sat, 6:30 on Sun, and 5am on Monday....bleh!!
I think she needs to be fed more often than 7 times a day, and that's what happens when mom is busy entertaining guests.
So Tuesday I tried to feed her more, but still this morning she woke up @ 6:30, gonna give it another shot today! Concentrate on feeding her ALL DAY and making sure that she eats last thing before bed.
I am also keeping track of her naps, it's tough to know how much she has slept from day to day, and like any other baby, she gets CRANKY when tired, but if I don't remember when that last nap was, I try feeding, burping, ect. instead of making her take a nap.
It's all trial and error at this point!
1 comment:
What a cutie, we must come visit so I can scunch her.... you know, hugs and holds her... I think of you guys often, give the sweet baby a kiss for me.
Love ya,
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