Wednesday, September 2, 2009

8 Weeks!

Here are some pictures of Kennedy haveing some ne'ked time! LOL!! She seemed to like it! : )
We had a rough night/morning where she fussed all the time and then didn't sleep... then this afternoon, she slept just great and hardly said a well.. you know! LOL!!
She has another GI specailit appt on Friday. Of course it's again in Fontana and @ 3:30!.... oh!... yeah!... on a holliday weekend! BLEH!
I think that we will visit her Auntie Val and have lunch and hang out, then fight the traffic home. I'd rather be home than anywhere else, everything is here! All K's stuff and I feel the most comfortable.
I remember about a year ago watching Brad and Vanessa's kids while they went wine tasting, and I thought "how does ANYONE do this?!?!" but it was because they weren't my kids and I didn't have any of their stuff, K has showed me that it's all about the stuff! LOL!!

1 comment:

katt3233 said...

Wow! She's getting big! She is adorable!