Saturday, August 1, 2009

Still kicking!

We have made it this far, and still going on breastfeeding.

it's ROUGH! UGH!

Today I REFUSED to let her use the nipple shield and just kept putting her to the breast.

She take it OK... after some fussing because I haven't had a let down and there is no milk there...

She will eventually feed, and for a good ammount of time. I swear I had her attached to me all day! LOL!!

The issue with this is that I can't pump at all when she is like that. She got up at 9:30 and didn't take a nap till 8:00! That was a looooong day!

Brad was helping Dan move in down the street and that meant that he wasn't around to help at all... but we made it.

This Wednesday will be 4 weeks! YEAH!!!

I heard this song the other night, made me cry... relates to the new love in my life. Enjoy.

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