Look what I got today!!!! Kennedy has started giving smiles! (Don't know if it's developmentally possible at this point, don't care... gonna dismiss gas, and say it's a real smile!)
We have been breastfeeding for five weeks now and are still going strong!!! No plans on quitting, but I would like to get this Thrush gone!
Going to ask the LC tomorrow.
We will also see how much Kennedy weighs!! WHEEE!!! I hope she is at 7lbs now!!! Think big!

Another one!!!

Tell me again *why* many people think that you have to get rid of their dogs when the baby comes... here is Tipsy laying with her head... on Kennedy's feet while we were all sitting on the couch!

Another *thinker* pose!

Kennedy and Daddy... couldn't get one that wasn't blurry.... WTF?!?!
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