Kennedy and I are soooo tired!!
Saturday we went to Jimmy's house in Fontana, for Riley's 2nd birthday party in the pool. It was over a 100 outside and the heat made it sooo hard for her to sleep : (
Sunday we went to her Auntie's baby shower and that was outside too! HOT! I actually remembered something Val said about taking the baby for a car ride after that horrible day last week, so I did.
We got in the car and drove around, she fell asleep and was happy enough to stay asleep four about 45 minutes. She woke up and was much more content (me too!)
Then we hung around Val and Jason's house for the rest of the night (I forgot to eat dinner... maybe THAT'S how I'm loosing all this weight, not BFing?!?!). We got home and I cleaned the house.
Brad was still gone, he went with Lisa, Jimmy, Brad, Vanessa and the kids to Mike and Julissa's house, and hadn't gotten home yet.
A little food and TV time, and off to bed.
We tried something new.... letting Kennedy stay asleep from 11pm, and not feeding @ 1am (her typical last feed).... and of course she woke up at 4, instead of 6.... then 7 instead of 9... we are all wacky today. I don't think I like it.
BUT... she did go 5hrs, 5 hrs, then ANOTHER 5 hours.... maybe waking her to feed is over?!?! Maybe she likes to go 5 hrs and eat a lot....?.... she seemed to feed A LOT faster after each of these feeds (like 20 minutes total) vs. the typical 30 or so....hum..... I wonder....
Just a Stay At Home Mom, with an adorable toddler and a handsome husband writing about the day-to-day life of nobody special.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ahhh a better day!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Today was the first day...
That I questioned my ability and desire to be a mother... now I feel guilty thinking about my baby...
From 10am to 3pm she screamed, for reasons (I'm sure) but when she can't tell you... you end up crying on the floor asking her to please stop crying!
I would collect myself, feed, change, burp, swaddle, rock, swing... of of these each lasted for about 10-20 minutes, then the screaming started again.
Maybe it was a reflux day... I don't know.
She didn't take a nap till 3, and even that wasn't without some tears. She would wake, and scream. I would give her a binky and rock and just when shew was falling asleep, I would put her down and the procedd started all over again. Finally around 3pm she fell asleep.
It's now almost 6 and she is still sleeping, sucks.... now I should wake her up to eat.... but I'm so scared to temp the baby gods and end up back in the same situation again.
The good news is that when she FINALLY went down for a nap, so did I and got like 90 extra minutes.
Brad said that she is getting tough to get back to sleep when he wakes her in the morning for food. Says that is's taking about 90 minutes from wake to sleep again, after feeding changing and rocking. (I think it's because she needs to poop, and he said that when she does, a change, and some rocking then gets her to sleep) neverless, it's still 90 monutes that he is up with her "in the middle of the night" where HE is looseing sleep.
I don't know what the answer is here.... babies are supposed to sleep for like 10-11 at night, while waking to feed.... but she is more like 8, (-90 minutes).... she didn't go back down for the following few hours today and I think she needed it!
Yesterday she was awake most of the day, we were outside and at a party, she didn't rest much... and had a hell of a time going down for a nap around 10 pm, now that I think of it...
(We are on 2nd shift, so 10pm would be like 5pm for all the normal folks out there)
It was just a very rough day after not sleeping enough, and I felt like a bad mother and a failure... I have called in reinforcements! Uncle Dan is gatting dinner and maybe a movie for us, and Auntie Amanda is comming over tomorrow to go swimming.
Sometimes just having another person around is the difference between a good day and a bad one, just that emotional support, and person that can help with the baby if you need it.
From 10am to 3pm she screamed, for reasons (I'm sure) but when she can't tell you... you end up crying on the floor asking her to please stop crying!
I would collect myself, feed, change, burp, swaddle, rock, swing... of of these each lasted for about 10-20 minutes, then the screaming started again.
Maybe it was a reflux day... I don't know.
She didn't take a nap till 3, and even that wasn't without some tears. She would wake, and scream. I would give her a binky and rock and just when shew was falling asleep, I would put her down and the procedd started all over again. Finally around 3pm she fell asleep.
It's now almost 6 and she is still sleeping, sucks.... now I should wake her up to eat.... but I'm so scared to temp the baby gods and end up back in the same situation again.
The good news is that when she FINALLY went down for a nap, so did I and got like 90 extra minutes.
Brad said that she is getting tough to get back to sleep when he wakes her in the morning for food. Says that is's taking about 90 minutes from wake to sleep again, after feeding changing and rocking. (I think it's because she needs to poop, and he said that when she does, a change, and some rocking then gets her to sleep) neverless, it's still 90 monutes that he is up with her "in the middle of the night" where HE is looseing sleep.
I don't know what the answer is here.... babies are supposed to sleep for like 10-11 at night, while waking to feed.... but she is more like 8, (-90 minutes).... she didn't go back down for the following few hours today and I think she needed it!
Yesterday she was awake most of the day, we were outside and at a party, she didn't rest much... and had a hell of a time going down for a nap around 10 pm, now that I think of it...
(We are on 2nd shift, so 10pm would be like 5pm for all the normal folks out there)
It was just a very rough day after not sleeping enough, and I felt like a bad mother and a failure... I have called in reinforcements! Uncle Dan is gatting dinner and maybe a movie for us, and Auntie Amanda is comming over tomorrow to go swimming.
Sometimes just having another person around is the difference between a good day and a bad one, just that emotional support, and person that can help with the baby if you need it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
6 weeks!

We have made it breastfeeding 6 weeks! (one of my goals! The next one is 12, then 6months and one year)

Kennedy is getting so big! (well, big for her! LOL!!) She is holding her head up sometimes and her legs are so much stronger!
I think today I will head to Barnes and Noble to see if they have some books on babies... I read ALL ABOUT pregnancy, and not so much about what to do after the baby comes (hello, Rachel from Friends... at least I know that a diaper genie takes the dirty dipers, you can't leave a baby on the changing table, they poop like 12 times a day, it's a BASSINET, and a breast pump isn't a beer bong for a baby! LOL!)
I think today we will go and open an account for Kennedy, CHASE is giving away $100 when you open a checking... maybe they will be the winners!
Brad's doing good too! He broke his finger last night : ( hurts!
He is working hard, trying to do two jobs at once, while sharing responsibility and dealing with competition, TOUGH!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Another weekend!
OMG... this was a tough weekend. Kennedy is going through a growth spurt and wanted to feed all the time and was super fussy. I'm tired.
Friday I dealt with Apria healthcare about the breast pump rental, fun. Got us ready (dogs and all) and we went to visit my mom. We left her house around 9:30, after watching 17 Again with Matthew Perry and Zach Efron (cute) Kennedy nursed the entire time.
We got home and Uncle Dan (Danny) came over and I fed Kennedy and we went in the spa from 10:30-1, fed her, then we hung out tilll like 3. I fed her again to make sure she was full for the night.
Saturday morning at 6am she woke up SCREAMING! No warning, no fussing, just yelling! YIKES! We hung around till noon, and when she fell asleep Brad and I went in the pool. I got a sunburn(ouch!).
We ran errands around town (fun...) and had a mellow night.
Sunday... was a different story. Here is the list of times I fed Kennedy.
6:30 (Went to the store, needed foil for the BBQ, K screamed the entire time I was gone)
8:45(Tried to take a bath, by the time it was full, she was screaming again)
That is 15 times in a 24hour period. 8-12 is what is average... YIKES!
She also had 10 pee diapers, and 7 poops.... I guess what goes in , must come out.
I was so tired today, thank goodness Brad helped me get some sleep this morning, by keeping the dogs quiet.
Vegas has been extra barky lately as well. UGH... gotta love those kids! : )
Friday I dealt with Apria healthcare about the breast pump rental, fun. Got us ready (dogs and all) and we went to visit my mom. We left her house around 9:30, after watching 17 Again with Matthew Perry and Zach Efron (cute) Kennedy nursed the entire time.
We got home and Uncle Dan (Danny) came over and I fed Kennedy and we went in the spa from 10:30-1, fed her, then we hung out tilll like 3. I fed her again to make sure she was full for the night.
Saturday morning at 6am she woke up SCREAMING! No warning, no fussing, just yelling! YIKES! We hung around till noon, and when she fell asleep Brad and I went in the pool. I got a sunburn(ouch!).
We ran errands around town (fun...) and had a mellow night.
Sunday... was a different story. Here is the list of times I fed Kennedy.
6:30 (Went to the store, needed foil for the BBQ, K screamed the entire time I was gone)
8:45(Tried to take a bath, by the time it was full, she was screaming again)
That is 15 times in a 24hour period. 8-12 is what is average... YIKES!
She also had 10 pee diapers, and 7 poops.... I guess what goes in , must come out.
I was so tired today, thank goodness Brad helped me get some sleep this morning, by keeping the dogs quiet.
Vegas has been extra barky lately as well. UGH... gotta love those kids! : )
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
5 weeks!
We have been breastfeeding for five weeks now and are still going strong!!! No plans on quitting, but I would like to get this Thrush gone!
Going to ask the LC tomorrow.
We will also see how much Kennedy weighs!! WHEEE!!! I hope she is at 7lbs now!!! Think big!
Monday, August 10, 2009
I'm sure everyone could say that because I am staying at home right now that Mondays shouldn't be a big deal... but I feel them too.

Brad goes back to work, and we are recovering from our long weekend. GAWD I hope that we have a lazy weekend sometime here soon! I want to go swimming!!!
The house is a MESS from running around like crazy people, and trying to get places "on time"... I don't think I have been on time since Kennedy was born... oops!
We are getting the hang of things as days go by.
Breastfeeding is going well, feeding every 2 hours during the day, and 3-4 (or one 5 hour stretch) at night. It kinda depends on Kennedy.
She is only getting 2 bottles of breastmilk a day (down from the 6 or so it was) and we are having very few latch problems! (I actually BFed her at the head table at Mareena's wedding! WHOOT!)
I have quit listending to the DRs and the LCs, and decided to look to my own instincts and Kennedy's ques as to how much food to give her. The LC told me to feed her every 1-2 day/2-3night and give her 1-2 oz in a bottle afterwards....um....no. Too much food!
Every time I go to an appointment someone had something to say about her weight (gaining too slowly, or too quickly) but she has gained 1 lb in a month, or 4oz a week. That is on the low end of normal. I will give this a try and see how much she gaines in this last week... then re-evaluate if it's working for US or not.
The Thrush is going away (thank you GOD!). It's intensive treatment... kinda like when you get head lice.... wash, clean, treat. We both get meds 4X a day....boil, vinegar....arrrrrh! Lots to do.
Now a few pictures, just for fun!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
One Month
Here are some of Kennedy's One Month pictures! Auntie Val has the Newborn "0" pics right now, comming soon!
Mareena Webb
This weekend was full, Mareena got married!!! She is now Mareena Webb!! Congrats Matt and Mareena!!!

The wedding was sooooo beautiful! They got married at her parents house in Murietta on Saturday and we had a great time.
Julie, Michelle and Dan met at our house and we rode together in the truck.
As soon as we got there I was stung by a yellow jacket! Right on my toe! OUCH! Better me than Kennedy!
Mareena looked the most beautiful, her dress was AMAZING and she made practially everything and it looked like a professional did it!
Here are some pictures!
Friday, August 7, 2009
You know...
You know you are the mom of a newborn when...
You get baby poop on your sheets... and are too tired, forgetful, busy, ect. to care... so you use a baby wipe and sleep on them anyways.
You only eat a bananna... all day... and you wonder why you are hungry.
You can get out to four stores and back home in less than 2 hours, because you have to breastfeed.
More to come later...
You get baby poop on your sheets... and are too tired, forgetful, busy, ect. to care... so you use a baby wipe and sleep on them anyways.
You only eat a bananna... all day... and you wonder why you are hungry.
You can get out to four stores and back home in less than 2 hours, because you have to breastfeed.
More to come later...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I have Thrush.... a very nice yeast infeciton that is in Kennedy's mouth and on my nipples (TMI.... TMI)
It hurts like hell and nursing sounds like a terrible idea right now.... OUCH!
I am contacting the LC to get info on how to help it.
It hurts like hell and nursing sounds like a terrible idea right now.... OUCH!
I am contacting the LC to get info on how to help it.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Still kicking!
We have made it this far, and still going on breastfeeding.
it's ROUGH! UGH!
Today I REFUSED to let her use the nipple shield and just kept putting her to the breast.
She take it OK... after some fussing because I haven't had a let down and there is no milk there...
She will eventually feed, and for a good ammount of time. I swear I had her attached to me all day! LOL!!
The issue with this is that I can't pump at all when she is like that. She got up at 9:30 and didn't take a nap till 8:00! That was a looooong day!
Brad was helping Dan move in down the street and that meant that he wasn't around to help at all... but we made it.
This Wednesday will be 4 weeks! YEAH!!!
I heard this song the other night, made me cry... relates to the new love in my life. Enjoy.
it's ROUGH! UGH!
Today I REFUSED to let her use the nipple shield and just kept putting her to the breast.
She take it OK... after some fussing because I haven't had a let down and there is no milk there...
She will eventually feed, and for a good ammount of time. I swear I had her attached to me all day! LOL!!
The issue with this is that I can't pump at all when she is like that. She got up at 9:30 and didn't take a nap till 8:00! That was a looooong day!
Brad was helping Dan move in down the street and that meant that he wasn't around to help at all... but we made it.
This Wednesday will be 4 weeks! YEAH!!!
I heard this song the other night, made me cry... relates to the new love in my life. Enjoy.
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