(you didn't miss her 7th month pics... I haven't taken them yet)
I have been back at work for 5 weeks already! That went fast.
We have a 4 day weekend together because Brad took Fri/Mon off.
Friday- slept in, went to dinner and a movie (Valentine's Day- Wasn't that great... but it was OK)
Saturday- Dinner with Val&Jason @ Bass Pro Shop's restaurant and a hockey game.
Sunday- Lunch with the family
Monday- NADA! ; )
What's been happening lately... Kennedy has her first tooth and is getting the one right next to it in the front! WHEEEE!!! (Not so excited about that on the BFing front!)
Speaking about breastfeeding... going back to work KILLED my supply and that was why Kennedy was sooooo fussy : ( So I now feed her every hour I am home and she is better : )
Kennedy has learned to crawl.... backwards! LOL!!! (Take THAT all you ladies who's babies crawled forwards first!) J/K... she wants to crawl... but only seems to be able to scoot backwards.
We quit swaddling her last night (we have always wrapped her with her arms tight and her feet out... like a mummy) and we stoped that and I *think* she likes it better.
We also started "sleep training" to get her to sleep through the night (she already sleeps 12 hours, but cries when her binky falls out, you put it back in and you are good to go) I think now that her arms are free she is getting it herself : / whatever works ; )
In two weeks I start on a special ed. placement (7 more weeks) and then I can file for my credential!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!
Too bad... I won't be able to find any jobs.
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