Tuesday, May 11, 2010

10 Months~!

The little monkey is 10 months.... She is getting sooooo big! OMG! Everyone says that she will be walking by the time she hits 12 months... ehh... they can say whatever... but I'm not so sure. Part of it is because I'm her momma and she is getting big fast enough, and the other is because she is so small still.
Dr says that she is still in the 5th percentile for her weight, head and height are normal. She has a teeny ear infection, and had her blood drawn : ( She is reaching all her milestones and has a total of 5 teeth with the 6th comming through. She is crawling and pulling up on everyting! Keeping busy!

She has mastered the art of the temper tantrum... it's hard to take something so cute... seriously ; ) But she will actually swat at you and flail her arms while "yelling" as best as she can.(Gotz her daddy's attitude)

We are planning her 1st birthday party, I'm searching desperately for a job... hugh... wonder where that is gonna land me.... anybody?
I have GOT to figure out how to post videos here... this kid is super cute... she needs some air time : )

Monday, May 3, 2010

OK.... what's the deal?!?!?

Kennedy has been a super, dooper fuss pot! : (

I think it's just the teeth... but she has an attitude to boot! WHEW! : /

I'm still recovering from throwinf Dad and Josie's "Over the Hill" party on last Sat... I still need a nap! LOL!!

It was a ton of fun... my sisters cleaning up puke... they may beg to differ! LOL!!

Other random tid bits... but the best one it that I actually applied for two jobs today!!! WHOOT!!! I can't wait to hear if they call me!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (Insert sarcasm... not in this market! BOOH!) But you never know..... and because of that... I called the RE : )

Sunday, April 25, 2010

9 Months~!

She's nine months : ) working her way to a year : ( I can't believe it!

Don't let her fool you... she WAS playing with the dog bowl... she finally "earned" herself a "spanking" where I tapped her hand and told her "no!" and she CRIIIIIIIIED! : ( For about 15 seconds... then crawled away.

Oh yes! She is crawling! WHEW! She is fast! She started a while ago, and then got faster and faster. We have a baby gate at the top of the stairs, and I'm ordering one for the living room to help contain her. The room with the TV is the "baby safe" room. Everything is removed and covered and all her toys are there.

She is also puling up, she started in the beginning of April, actually while Auntie Amanda was watching her (mommy had to work and the Nanny was on an emergency trip to Australia)

Her second top tooth is sooooooooooooooo ready to come through, we are in teething HELL! There is another one on her bottom right competing to see who wins, Kennedy is NOT happy. I was trying to break her from using the binky during the day... and quickly decided that while teething... nothing else is important.
I'm officially done with my "preliminary credential" which means that I have to "file" with the state, and then I can actually apply for jobs and teach.... CRAZY! Nine years later. I'm dealing with the school... wrote a nasty email to the Dean... because I felt that I wasn't being treated the way that I know I should... I pay them A LOT of money, this isn't a state university here, c'mon!
So I'm at home now, and that is super nice! This first week off is going to be crazy! We had a Vet appointment yesterday, alarm installation today, another appointment tomorrow, party planning, graduation on Friday (go Amanda!) party on Sat, parity on Sun... WHEW! I think I worded less at 'work' ; )

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Another tooth almost in!

Kennedy has her first top tooth.... almooooooooooooooost! ; )

Her top right one is peeking through, I give it a few more days. I'm sure that the biting me with a top tooth... I won't be happy.

I was quoted in the local newspaper


She was my master teacher for the K-6 part of my student teaching.

Kennedy has been pulling up and crawling all.over.the.place WHEW! I'm getting my workout!

Speaking of workouts... I plan (once I wean the baby or at least when I'm not her primary source of nutrition) to start running again... or maybe a video.

I need something that will work with me and Kennedy ; )

I just don't like to feel this frumpy and I'm still so scared of loosing my supply so I won't risk it now.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break!

Remember the days when "Spring Break" ment that you were headed to the river?!?!?

LOL!!! Not anymore!!!

I have all of next week off and I plan to sleep! YUP... I'm old but it sounds like soooo much fun!!!

Kennedy has started crawling, in the last day or two... she was going about three crawls then would quit. She is now going all over the place... time to baby proof the place ; )

In addition to crawling... the little big girl has learned to pull up to a standing position! OMG!!!

She is getting sooooo BIG!! :tear::

Her front right tooth on the top is coming in and that isn't helping her ATTITUDE! WOW! : /

I think learning two new skills in a week and getting a tooth hasn't helped the matter.

I have given my principal my information and told her that I'm looking for a full time teaching position... we will see. I'm sure that she will have me interview, but I have no clue how many people are applying (it's not released to the general public right now, just on recommendation).

I'm just hoping for anything!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

8 Months~!

Haven't taken the picks : / been busy ; )

Haven't been bitten : )

School is getting on my very...last........nerve.... : (

Work is crazy, but I can deal ; )

Kennedy has been pulling up onto her knees, but still now crawling forward.

She has an ATTITUDE! Ohhhhh! She it totally Brad's daughter! LOL!!

WIll take and post pictures this weekend : )

(I got a positive pregnancy test the other day.... so I took another one a day later and it was negative... something in me stiol hurts when I see a BFN)

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Soooo not nice!

I was bot 4 times today... and I'm not very happy about it....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Couple things...

Random things...

Kennedy wore Preemie clothes and diapers till about 3 weeks.

She wore NB diapers/Clothes till 3 months

She STILL wears 3m onzies or anything 3month w/o feet, she is too tall. Now wears 3/6 footed or swims in the 6.

She wore size 1 diapers till 6 months.

For about two months when she was nursing she would take her fist and move it in a circular motion from her chin to her ear and back again.

Whenever she would get tired she would somehow get her hands near her ears... odd.

I learned that my CBU watter bottle is dangerous... because I caught the baby's finger in the lid
: (

Sesame Street (sp?) is like a GODSEND!!! Ahhhh sometimes it's the only thing that works.

Yesterday was the first day where I wanted to CRY because I missed her... I was tired and had soooo much to do... that I didn't get to see her enough : (

So we made up for it with a walk today : )

Thursday, February 18, 2010

GAWD.... I'm busy!


Being a working mom is sooooo tough!

I am always on the run (hence the lack of blogging... well... that and the fact that I think only *two* people read this anymore-Hey Amanda and Katherine!!!)

Kennedy BIT me today... that was nice : /

She cut her first tooth on Superbowl Sunday, and the next one was a day behind.

Next week is my last week with my 5th graders and then on to SpEd

Kennedy is sleeping great and we are too now : )

After MUCH reading and thinking about our family AND trying a technique we ended up crying it out. Which for Kennedy... meant "Meh...."........."meh"......."eh"..... and SLEEP : )

We planted bulbs this past weekend... and I swear... if they don't grow... I'm hiring a professional! LOL!!

I'm trying to remember to blog all about K's milestones when they happen... because I will end up forgetting.

: )

Friday, February 12, 2010

Catching up!

(you didn't miss her 7th month pics... I haven't taken them yet)


I have been back at work for 5 weeks already! That went fast.

We have a 4 day weekend together because Brad took Fri/Mon off.

Friday- slept in, went to dinner and a movie (Valentine's Day- Wasn't that great... but it was OK)
Saturday- Dinner with Val&Jason @ Bass Pro Shop's restaurant and a hockey game.
Sunday- Lunch with the family
Monday- NADA! ; )

What's been happening lately... Kennedy has her first tooth and is getting the one right next to it in the front! WHEEEE!!! (Not so excited about that on the BFing front!)

Speaking about breastfeeding... going back to work KILLED my supply and that was why Kennedy was sooooo fussy : ( So I now feed her every hour I am home and she is better : )

Kennedy has learned to crawl.... backwards! LOL!!! (Take THAT all you ladies who's babies crawled forwards first!) J/K... she wants to crawl... but only seems to be able to scoot backwards.

We quit swaddling her last night (we have always wrapped her with her arms tight and her feet out... like a mummy) and we stoped that and I *think* she likes it better.

We also started "sleep training" to get her to sleep through the night (she already sleeps 12 hours, but cries when her binky falls out, you put it back in and you are good to go) I think now that her arms are free she is getting it herself : / whatever works ; )

In two weeks I start on a special ed. placement (7 more weeks) and then I can file for my credential!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!

Too bad... I won't be able to find any jobs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Being a parent is hard!

I HATE, HATE, HATE not knowing the answers! I hate that there isn't one right thing, and if you do that, it works.

I'm always second guessing myself.

I don't know why Kennedy doesn't like me much. Is my supply tanking? Should I pump 3 times while I'm gone or is 2 ok? When should I pump 6:30, 10, and noon? Or 6:30 and 10? Or 10 and noon?

Is she getting enough sleep? When should she go to bed? Should we sleep train? How? What method/expert/book?

UGH... I wish that I had THE ANSWER, like the foolproof, only one answer.

But I guess if I had that... I'd be rich! ; )

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My kid doesn't like me... bleh..

Or at least she doesn't like me working.

When we are home on the weekends, she it much better. M-F... she doesn't like me much.

Most of the day is spent fussing, even after food, burps, diapers, a nap, while I'm holding her... when I'm not... UGH!

It's soooooo tough! Getting home, excited to see her.. and she doesn't seem to be happy that I'm home, and fusses all night.

I would say, that it's because she is teething, or its gas, but she doesn't act that way with everyone else, just me.

A better guess is that she gets fussier later in the day, and I'm the one there... but she is happily playing with Grandma right now happy as can be... I walk over and it's time to fuss.

I wonder what she is saying to me... I had better pick it up real quick!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6 Months~!

Auntie took some more pics!!!!

( http://valerieackermanphotography.com/blog/ )

Click here to get there....

Kingston and Kennedy in their Ellen Show onesies : ) I wonder if they make it on the air next year ; )

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thank GAWD for MLK day!


I am soooo excited to have a 3 day weekend!!! And after my first week! That couldn't have been better timing : )

The first week back SUCKED (the school is great, the teacher is great, and Kennedy is doing great with her daddy) but I HATE IT! UGH!!

I think that moms working should be a choice, and never a necessity. It's sooo hard! I can't believe that people do this when their baby is 6-12 weeks old! WHEW! They get some serious PROPS!

I hate being gone, I hate being sooooo tired when I'm home alone with her... this first week was a little different because we are all still getting used to it, and I am getting used to going to work...

I just hope that it gets better... and I don't always hate it, because I don't think that I have a choice in the matter.... you can't have a M.S. is SpEd and not use it... maybe I can just stay home till the next baby goes to school?!?!? That will be a few years....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nothing much here...

I'm now sick.. after Brad and Kennedy had it.. : (

I start work(student teaching) on Monday... ehh... nervous and kinda excited, not to leave Kennedy... but to get back into everything.

I'm hoping that I sound and feel better by Monday... so I don't scare my kids.

Kennedy had tired all sorts of fruits and veggies and loves them all (applesauce was a toughie, but she likes it now).

I have her going to bed 9:30-10pm now (after one night of fighting and three days of small naps) and that's nice on the front end... with me being sick... the back end sucks! UGH! Poor girl!!! She usually wakes me up, and being sick I need to shower before taking care of her (so I feel good enough to survive) and she gets sooo sad when I'm not there : (

Her daddy does a great job of keeping her occupied for 10 minutes... we shall see how well they work together next week! LOL!!