Tuesday, December 8, 2009

5 Months~!

And now Kennedy has learned how to roll from her tummy to her back... with limited success, but she still tries!

It's kinda funny.... because I put her on the blanket... and "there she goes!!" LOL!!!

Last night she slept TERRIBLE!! OMG!!! She didn't go to sleep till 2am and then was up at 4:30, 7:30(rocked back to sleep), 9:00, 10 (finally nursed and rocked back to sleep), then up again at noon.

I *think* it's the teeth comming in.

Not a typical night for her... or for us... OH... I'm tired! LOL!!

Then earlier she was fussing to no avail... so I put her down..... Must have worked, because she is rolling all over the place... happy as can be!

1 comment:

katt3233 said...

Awwwww, what a cutie! Happy 5 months!