Her second top tooth is sooooooooooooooo ready to come through, we are in teething HELL! There is another one on her bottom right competing to see who wins, Kennedy is NOT happy. I was trying to break her from using the binky during the day... and quickly decided that while teething... nothing else is important.
I'm officially done with my "preliminary credential" which means that I have to "file" with the state, and then I can actually apply for jobs and teach.... CRAZY! Nine years later. I'm dealing with the school... wrote a nasty email to the Dean... because I felt that I wasn't being treated the way that I know I should... I pay them A LOT of money, this isn't a state university here, c'mon!
So I'm at home now, and that is super nice! This first week off is going to be crazy! We had a Vet appointment yesterday, alarm installation today, another appointment tomorrow, party planning, graduation on Friday (go Amanda!) party on Sat, parity on Sun... WHEW! I think I worded less at 'work' ; )